Having Prepared A Budget, Minister Of Transportation Budi Karya Makes Sure To Start The Revitalization Project Of Terminal A Giwangan Yogyakarta

JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said his party will immediately start the revitalization project for the Giwangan Type A Terminal, Yogyakarta. This promise was conveyed by the Minister of Transportation Budi when he visited the Giwangan Terminal, Sunday, May 29

The Minister of Transportation also said that the government had completed the revitalization of three Type A terminals in Central Java, namely Tirtonadi Solo, Mangkang, Semarang, and Bulupitu, Purwokerto. "Now, we will do it in Yogja (Giwangan Type A Terminal)," said the Minister of Transportation in a statement quoted by Antara, Sunday, May 29.

According to the Minister of Transportation, the existing Giwangan Terminal building is already quite majestic and only needs to be renovated. "We have prepared a budget for new buildings, but we will evaluate them because the (existing) buildings are already magnificent. We want every rupiah spent to produce good services. We want this terminal to be more comfortable and beautiful," he said.

Regarding the management of commercial areas (kiosks) in the terminal, the Minister of Transportation requested that in the future a more firm management be carried out. Because previously, the existing kiosks were managed by a third party, not by the terminal manager.

"So, people who will later rent a kiosk, can pay it to the government (terminal manager), not to other parties," he said.

He hopes for support from the Yogyakarta City Government to make the revitalization of the Giwangan Terminal a success and also appreciates the city government's idea to separate the tourism bus lanes and AKAP buses. "We are ready to collaborate so that this terminal becomes the main transportation node for the movement of people to and from Yogya and is also one of the keys to the progress of the tourism sector," he said.

On the same occasion, Acting Mayor of Yogyakarta Sumadi is ready to support the revitalization that will be carried out at the Giwangan Terminal and will collaborate intensively with the Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation. "We will integrate the budget related to terminal maintenance and rehabilitation," he said.

In accordance with the mandate of Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, the management of the Type A terminal which was previously carried out by the regional government was handed over to the central government in this case the Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation.

For this reason, the Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation has revitalized a number of Type A terminals in Indonesia as an effort to improve road transportation services with facilities and buildings like airports. Giwangan Terminal is one of the revitalization pilot projects being carried out.

Through this revitalization, the bus terminal is not only a place to get on and off passengers, but also has other functions, namely combining it with office activities, residences, hotels, shopping centers, community service centers, and also integrated with other modes of transportation.

Also attending the review were the Director General of Land Transportation Budi Setiyadi, Director of Road Transportation Infrastructure Popik Montanasyah, and Head of BPTD Central Java DIY Eko Agus Susanto.