Remembering Buya Syafii Maarif: His Legacy Of Kindness Will Not Be Eaten Away By Time

JAKARTA – Ahmad Syafii Maarif or who is familiarly called Buya Syafii Maarif died at PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital, Yogyakarta on Friday 27 May 2022. The former chairman of PP Muhammadiyah who was also one of the moderate Muslim scholars died at the age of 86 years due to illness.

"We must continue his example. As the nation's teacher, his thoughts are very soothing, moderate, and acceptable across generations," said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin expressing his impressions of Buya Syafii as quoted by Antara.

Buya Syafii was born in Nagari Calau, Sumpur Kudus, West Sumatra on May 31, 1935. His father Ma'rifah Rauf Datuk Rajo Malayu was a merchant and traditional leader in his village. Buya Syafii did not get to know his mother, because her mother died when she was 18 months old.

One form of simplicity shown by Buya Syafii Maarif is using public transportation KRL. (Doc. Maarif Institute)

In his extended family, Buya Syafii has four siblings and 11 others from his stepmother. Because his mother died, Buya Syafii was then raised by his aunt, Bainah.

Buya Syafii began to experience formal education in 1942 when he first entered the People's School. He also studied at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah in terms of Islam.

In 1953 Buya Syafii migrated to Java, to continue his education at Madrasah Muallimin Yogyakarta. It was there that Buya Syafii began to learn to organize, by joining Hizbul Wathan and becoming the Editor-in-Chief of Sinar Magazine.

Early Career

Buya Syafii is known as an educator, teacher, lecturer who is very loyal to his profession. Even after becoming the General Chair of PP Muhammadiyah, Buya Syafii still took the time to teach his students, not only S3 but also S1.

Buya Syafii's career as an educator began in 1956 when he was assigned to teach in Lombok. He complied with the request of the Muhammadiyah Consul from Lombok to teach in a village called Pohgading for a year.

Returning to Java, Buya Syafii continued his education until he graduated from a baccalaureate degree at Cokroaminoto University, Surakarta in 1964. He completed a bachelor's degree in Social Sciences at the Teaching Faculty of Social Sciences, IKIP Yogyakarta in 1968.

Buya Syafii continued his education up to the postgraduate level in the United States. He completed a master's degree at Ohio University in 1980, and a doctorate at The University of Chicago. Former President Gur Dur in 1993 dubbed Buya Syafii Maarif, Nurcholis Madjid, and Amien Rais as the Chicago Warriors Trio. All three are considered to have brought renewal of Islamic thought in Indonesia.

Buya Syafii Maarif talks with Jokowi, who is still a candidate for President of Indonesia at Buya's residence, Perum Nogotirto, Sleman, Yogyakarta on May 3, 2014. (Antara/Regina Safri)

Not only teaching, Buya Syafii also works as the editor of Suara Muhammadiyah. He is also listed as a member of the Indonesian Journalists Association. As someone who has been in the world of journalism, Buya Syafii is actively writing books.

Some of his books include Islamic Dynamics, Islam and State Issues, and Islam, Why Not? Thanks to his writings in the form of a book, Buya Syafii was awarded the Raymond Magsaysay Award from the Philippine Government in 2008.

The Raymond Magsaysay Award is an annual award given in memory of the 7th President of the Philippines, Raymond Magsaysay. This award is given to a person who is considered to have integrity in government, service to the community, and pragmatic ideals in the life of a democratic society.

General Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah

The peak of Buya Syafii's success in the organization was when he became General Chair of PP Muhammadiyah in 1998. He replaced Amien Rais, and served as chairman of the second largest Islamic organization in Indonesia until 2008.

As General Chairperson of PP Muhammadiyah, Buya Syafii instills thoughts of pluralism, tolerance, nationality, social, and Islamic values. As a well-known Islamic intellectual in Indonesia, Buya Syafii chose the shady path, Islam as rahmatan lil alamin, as the nation's teacher. For him, Islam is the protector as well as the glue of Indonesia's diversity. That's why he is called Buya, or our father.

Bela Ahok Controversy

Even though he was called the Three Swordsmen of Chicago, Buya Syafii's attitude was different from that of Cak Nur and Amien Rais. If Cak Nur has big ideas about secularism with the jargon of Islam Yes, Islamic Party No, Amien Rais focuses on mass movements, practical politics, parties, resistance to the ruling regime, to street demonstrations, then Buya Syafii is in the middle.

Buya Syafii did not take to the streets to demonstrate to voice political aspirations, nor did he issue orations against the government. One of the contradictory attitudes shown by Buya Syafii was in the case of blasphemy against the former governor of DKI Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok in 2017.

Amien Rais joined the Action to Defend Islam movement or known as Aksi 212, while Buya Syafii did not. According to him, the 212 Action is more political than voicing the real Islam.

Buya Syafii's anxiety relates to the fact that the people have not been able to accept that Indonesia belongs to all groups, as there is no end. For Buya Syafii, Indonesia is a common home for all people regardless of religion, ethnicity, class, and race.

Buya Syafii Maarif was buried in the Husnul Khotimah Muhammadiyah Cemetery, Donomulyo, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta on Friday afternoon 27 May 2022. (Antara)

"He is Buya Syafii, a teacher of the nation and what I see is he lives in simplicity. He also always conveys the importance of Pancasila as the glue of the nation," said President Jokowi in his opening remarks at Buya Syafii's funeral in Yogyakarta on Friday, May 27.

For Buya Syafii's example in voicing pluralism and tolerance in Indonesia, General Chairperson of the Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI) Gomar Gultom proposed that he be awarded the title of National Hero.

"I ask the President to invite the whole community to fly the flag at half-mast as a tribute to him and it would not be an exaggeration if I also propose that he, in due course, be awarded a national hero," said Gomar Gultom, Friday, May 27, quoted from Antara.

Buya Syafii Maarif was buried at the Husnul Khotimah Muhammadiyah Cemetery, Donomulyo, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta on Friday afternoon 27 May. Buya is survived by his wife, Nur Khalifa, whom he married on 5 February 1965 and his son, Mohammad Hafiz.