Indian Forces Capture Chinese Soldiers Lost In Himalayan Border

JAKARTA - Indian soldiers have arrested a Chinese soldier who got lost while crossing the de facto border contested in the West Himalayan region. At that point, since the deadly clashes last June, the two countries have assembled thousands of troops.

People's Liberation Army (PLA) troops were captured in the Demchok area east of Ladakh. India said it would return the soldier after completing formalities.

"PLA soldiers have been provided with medical assistance, including oxygen, food and warm clothing to protect it from the extreme altitude and harsh climatic conditions," the statement read.

The two nuclear-armed neighbors have been locked in a border confrontation for months in the Ladakh region. The two armies killed each other in hand-to-hand combat and fired shots into the air.

India and China have held several rounds of military and diplomatic talks. However, things didn't make much progress.

There has been no immediate comment from China about the arrests of its soldiers. However, the state-backed Global Times Editor in Chief Hu Xijin said via Twitter that the issue is being resolved.

"Based on what I know, a Chinese soldier was detained by the Indian side, most likely because he got lost," said Hu Xijin.

"The Indian side has a positive attitude. The soldier will be returned to China. The problem should not create new tensions in the border area."