Observer: Buya Syafii Teaches How Islam And Indonesianness Are Realized In One Breath

PURWOKERTO - Political observer from Jenderal Soedirman University (Unsoed) Purwokerto Ahmad Sabiq said Ahmad Syafii Maarif or better known as Buya Syafii was a proud figure for all the nation's children.

"As a figurehead, he does not belong to Muhammadiyah alone, but to all the nation's children," he said in Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Friday, May 27.

The lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Unsoed added that Buya Syafii is a scholar who has devoted his whole life to the people and the nation.

"Buya Syafii teaches us how Islam and Indonesianness are realized in one breath," he said, as reported by Antara.

Ahmad Sabiq added, Buya Syafii's commitment to Islamic substantive values is manifested in his concern and alignment with those who are oppressed, discriminated against and neglected.

"Buya Syafii is also a very humble person, lives a simple life and does not accumulate wealth, his example needs to be an example for all the nation's children," he said.

According to him, the good values that have been passed down by Buya Syafii need to be continued or passed on by all young generations in the country.

"It is hoped that his example will always be an inspiration to all young people who will later become the next generation who will lead this nation," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Unsoed Communications Masters Study Program, Dr. Edi Santoso said Buya Syafii was a leading national figure in Indonesian issues.

"Because of this, of course, this nation has lost a great figure and at the same time a father of the nation for the death of Buya Syafii Maarif," he said.

Edi said Buya Syafii is also a leading national figure in the issue of tolerance and moderate Islam.

"He can be accepted by various groups, across groups and also across religions," he added.

Ahmad Syafii Maarif died at the age of 86 at the PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Yogyakarta, Friday, at 10.15 WIB. Previously, Saturday 14 May. Buya Syafii was rushed to PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital because he complained of shortness of breath.