Police Explanation About The Viral News Of Child Kidnapping In Bekasi

JAKARTA - Circulating a message chain WhatsApp instant messaging service, tells of a man who allegedly kidnapped a child in the Bekasi area, West Java. In the narrative, the perpetrator is said to have kidnapped his victim by putting him in a sack.

Confirmed about the chain message, the Head of the Bekasi Metro Police, Kombes Wijonarko, said that the information was not true. He confirmed that after carrying out investigations in the field.

"It was checked at the scene of the crime scene and it turned out to be not true. But there was indeed a small incident that caused panic and attracted the attention of local residents," said Wijonarko to VOI.

According to him, the misunderstanding incident occurred because of the incident of a man with a suspicious attitude who was pacing around the residents' housing. The incident occurred at Jalan Beringin IV, RT04 / 03, Kranji Village, West Bekasi District, Bekasi City, on Sunday, January 12.

One of the residents was worried about the person's suspicious attitude. Moreover, this man seemed to be watching children playing outside the house. The incident also attracted the attention of residents to judge the suspicious person.

After being arrested, the man who was later identified with the initials N was interrogated by the residents for suspicion of kidnapping. After that, he was taken to the Bekasi City Metro Police.

From the results of this examination, the information related to the kidnapping that was spread on WhatsApp was hoax news.

"There was no kidnapping. Each party had met and made a statement (did not bring the incident to the realm of law)," said Wijonarko.

The following is the content of the chain message:

The chronology of the child, after eating, then playing in front of the house suddenly is not there, then the mother of the child looks for him so that the situation becomes crowded, there is a mother carrying a sack in a hurry so that it becomes the suspicion of the residents, just right. the child was already in the sack that was brought by the mother, because the child in the sack moved so that the residents chased and the perpetrator threw away the sack containing the child, in order to save himself but because there were so many residents that the perpetrator was caught and interrogated by local residents When he wants to be taken to the Kranji Police, the perpetrator's mother appoints a man who has been waiting in the vehicle if he is his colleague so that the residents are immediately surrounded and taken to the police station.

It was told to all Kranji residents who have small children, hope to be careful, there was a kidnapping of children in the area of rt.04 rw.03 and earlier the kidnappers were caught and the perpetrators were 2 people, 1 woman as the kidnapper and 1 more waiting on the road using a vehicle. now the perpetrator is already at the Kranji police station. That's the information I convey. once again please be careful for colleagues who have small children, hope to be monitored while playing in their environment.