Gorontalo Ministry Of Law And Human Rights Socialization Of Individual Company Registration For Entrepreneurs

GORONTALO - Head of the Legal and Human Rights Services Division of the Gorontalo Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Hadiyanto, said that one of the tasks of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is the welfare of MSEs with legal protection and legal certainty.

This was conveyed by Hadiyanto in a socialization and assistance program for individual company registration for business actors in North Gorontalo Regency, Friday, May 27. The event was initiated by the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Gorontalo together with the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

"One of the breakthroughs is the establishment of an individual company," Hadiyanto said at the event, quoted from Antara.

Hadiyanto explained that this is enshrined in Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation which focuses on MSE actors to be able to form a limited liability company with only one founder and not large capital.

He emphasized that individual companies are present as a solution to improve Indonesia's economy, which is weakening from the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic through the micro and small business sector (UMK).

Head of Legal Services, Ramlan Harun, said that UMK actors would get several benefits by establishing an individual company.

This, he continued, includes providing legal protection by separating personal and company assets in the form of a capital statement and making it easier to access financing from banks.

According to Ramlan Harun, it is easier to register because it can be done independently, only by filling out a statement of establishment form without a notarial deed and at a very affordable cost of Rp. 50 thousand.

With the legal form of this company, he hopes to open up and encourage MSEs, especially in North Gorontalo Regency, towards MSEs that are highly competitive and world-class to enter the export market.

The participants who attended, he said, looked enthusiastic as indicated by the large number of registrants, or 25 business actors/UMK registered their businesses as individual companies.