Novel Bamukmin Threatens PA 212 Will Leave Anies If He Continues To Use Beer Sponsorship For Formula E

JAKARTA - The Deputy Secretary General of the 212 Alumni Fraternity (PA 212) Novel Bamukmin strongly opposes the existence of the Heineken brand beer company that sponsors the Jakarta Formula E event.

Novel even threatened that the 212 group would abandon their support for DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan if they continued to use sponsorship from liquor companies.

"I ask that Anies cancel cooperation with all brands of liquor. Otherwise, this is tantamount to a tyrannical regime because it likes immorality and evil. Don't blame Muslims, especially the spirit of 212 will leave Anies Baswedan," Novel told reporters, Friday, May 27.

As is well known, 212 was a massive action on December 2, 2016 by a group that demanded Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) be made a suspect in a blasphemy case.

This action is considered by many to pave the way for Anies Baswedan to win in the 2017 DKI Pilkada against Ahok and Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono.

On that occasion, Novel emphasized that they supported the electric racing event. However, Anies does not need to accept sponsorship from beer companies just to cover the costs of organizing Formula E.

"The implementation of formula E is actually good, but don't justify any means. Keep in mind, Anies Baswedan is the choice of Muslims with the spirit of defending religion, so the feelings of Muslims must be guarded. Don't hurt the hearts of Muslims who have chosen him," said Novel.

Until now, the local sponsor of the Formula E event has not been disclosed by the organizers. However, the official website has featured a number of companies that are the main sponsors and global sponsors.

The name of the company that is included in the main sponsor is ABB from Switzerland which is engaged in automation technology, robotics, power, and heavy electrical equipment.

Furthermore, the Swiss financial company Julius Bar became the global sponsor of this event. Then, the technical sponsor is Michelin which is a French tire company.

In addition, there are several companies that are members of other sponsors. Among them are Copper, Hugo Boss, Bosch, DHL, Moet & Chandon, Enelxway, Allianz, Tagheur, Anfogasta Minerals, Saudia.

Then, one of the other global sponsors in the spotlight is Heineken which is a beer producer.

The chairman of the Jakarta Formula E Executive Committee, Ahmad Sahroni, explained that Heineken was the sponsor of the global category. Where, the determination is under the authority of Formula E Operation (FEO) as the license holder of Formula E.

"It's a drink (beer sponsorship) in the global (category). Global is the direct FEO that has (determined sponsors). For domestic, right, local partners are different," explained Sahroni, some time ago.