Wife Of Mother And Child Murderer In Kupang Becomes New Suspect, Had Pretrial Against NTT Police

NTT - The NTT Police Investigation Team has named Irawaty Astana Dewi alias Ira Ua as the new suspect in the murder of mother and child, Astrid and Lael, whose bodies were found wrapped in plastic and damaged at the SPAM construction project site in Kupang City.

The Head of Public Relations of the NTT Police, AKBP Ariasandy, said that Ira Ua was named a suspect after being arrested earlier Tuesday, May 24 after attending a pretrial hearing at the Kupang District Court.

"Currently, Ira Ua has been named a suspect," he told reporters in Kupang, Thursday, May 26 at noon.

Ira Ua herself is the wife of suspect Randy Bajideh, who was previously suspected of being the perpetrator of the murder of Astrid and Lael, who was one year old.

Randy is now under the handling of the NTT High Prosecutor's Office after all the files for the alleged murder case he committed were declared complete by the public prosecutor (JPU).

Ira Ua herself is suspected of being the actor behind the murder case. Ira Ua was arrested after losing a pretrial hearing against the NTT Regional Police regarding the case.

He added, with the arrest of Ira Ua, two people have been named as suspects in the case, namely Ira Ua and Randy Bajideh.

Ariasandy said that the detention carried out by investigators against Ira was based on sufficient preliminary evidence in which Ira was suspected of having committed a crime of premeditated murder.

As referred to in Article 340 of the Subsidiary Criminal Code Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) to 2 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 80 Paragraph (3) and (4) in conjunction with Article 76 C of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number .23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection or Article 221 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

"The threat of punishment for the suspect Irawaty Astana Dewi alias Ira is above 5 years," he said.