Due To War In Ukraine, Sad Cat Studio Developers Delay Release Of Replaced Game Until 2023

JAKARTA - Sad Cat Studios announced that Replaced will be postponed until 2023. In a story the studio shared recently on Twitter, they said this delay due to the ongoing war in Ukraine had an impact on the development of Replaced.

"Today we made the very difficult decision to postpone REPLACED until 2023," the Studio wrote.

The Belarus-based studio working on the game, Sad Cat Studios, has a talented team of developers from Belarus and Ukraine.

"Unfortunately, the continuing war in Ukraine has had a huge impact on the development of REPLACED, as most of the teams are in neighboring regions," he explained.

Currently, the studio says that Sad Cat's priority is for the safety of the team and their families. As a result, part of the team has now been moved and work has just restarted on Replaced.

Publisher Coatsink, parent company Thunderful, and developer Sad Cat Studios have decided to move the release to 2023 to ensure that the game is in the best possible condition.

"We're constantly working hard to match the quality you'd expect from the trailer, but prioritizing the developer's physical and mental health by not pushing the original deadlines that had an unforeseen impact."

Not to forget, Sad Cat would like to thank its fans for their patience and continued support for REPLACED and Sad Cat Studios.