The Skipper Of 'Flying Fish' Accidentally Runs Aground Ship In NTB Waters Due To Engine Trouble, 2 French Caucasians Successfully Evacuated

SUMBAWA - Mataram Search and Rescue Office (SAR) personnel managed to rescue two French citizens who were part of the six victims of the ship that ran aground around the waters of Medang Island, Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, Thursday morning at around 02.30 WITA.
"At 07.00 WITA, all passengers were safely evacuated to Badas Harbor, Sumbawa," said Head of the Mataram SAR Office Nanang Sigit in an official statement received in Mataram, Antara, Thursday, May 26.
The tourist ship with the name Flying Fish experienced problems with the engine around the waters of Medang Island, Sumbawa Regency. As a result of the incident, six people on board the ship had to be evacuated.
Nanang said that his party received a report from one of the ship's passengers at 03.00 WITA.
The Sumbawa SAR Post personnel were deployed using a rigid inflatable boat (RIB) to carry out search and rescue operations with the help of the surrounding SAR potential. "When found, the position of the ship tilted due to run aground in the south of Medang Island," he said.
He mentioned the six people on board the ship on behalf of Haris (31), Kesyono (48), and two French citizens, namely Philips (68) and Niko (31). The four of them were ship passengers. While the other two people are on behalf of Hanafi (35), as the captain of the ship and Hasanudin (32), the crew of the ship (ABK).
He said four passengers had been evacuated to the mainland, while the captain and crew were still on the ship.
"This is based on the request of the person concerned, waiting for assistance to arrive for the withdrawal of the ship," he said.
According to information from Hanafi, the ship experienced engine problems while sailing from Lombok to Labuhan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara.
"For security, Hanafi tried to run aground his ship," said Nanang.