Lecturer Of Bandung Institute Of Technology Shares 6 Simple Ways To Reduce Carbon Footprint

JAKARTA - Concern about the carbon footprint caused by traveling is one of the issues that is often discussed when discussing electric vehicles and their impact on the environment.

"The transportation sector contributes almost 15 percent to global greenhouse gas emissions," said lecturer for Urban and Regional Planning at the Bandung Institute of Technology I Gusti Ayu Andani during the webinar "Exploring the Sustainability of the Transportation Sector Through Technology", Antara, Wednesday, May 25.

He shares six ways that everyone can help reduce the carbon footprint of the transportation sector. First, use the least polluting vehicle, which is within reach of a person.

Second, using public transportation can help reduce your carbon footprint. In addition to public transportation, cycling or walking is also an option.

Third, people can apply "eco-driving", driving environmentally friendly, while driving a car. Every 5 miles (about 8 kilometers) per hour when traveling 60 miles (96.5 kilometers), fuel use drops 7 percent.

So don't brake or push the gas pedal often.

"If there is an 'overdrive' or 'cruise control' feature under certain conditions, it should be used," said Ayu.

Eco-driving also means regularly cleaning the air and oil filters and adjusting tires.

The fourth way, when traveling long distances by airplane, choose direct flights over transit flights.

Ayu explained that during takeoff and landing, the plane emits the most emissions.

Fifth, unless it is urgent, you should not often send goods by instant courier when shopping online.

Finally, working remotely will help reduce mobility so that it will have a minimal carbon footprint.

Electric vehicles are considered as future vehicles that are environmentally friendly, one of which is because they are able to reduce exhaust emissions.

Indonesia is slowly starting to shift from conventional vehicles to battery-based electric vehicles. TransJakarta, for example, has operated 30 electric buses for the past few months for four different routes. By the end of this year, it is targeted that there will be 100 TransJakarta electric bus fleets.