Commission VI DPR Suggests Trade Minister Lutfi To Temporarily Freeze CoFTRA, Why?

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission VI of the DPR Aria Bima proposed that the Commodity Futures Supervisory Agency (CoFTRA) be suspended temporarily. According to Aria, the proposal will be submitted to the Minister of Trade (Mendag) Muhammad Lutfi.

Furthermore, Aria said it was not without reason that she asked for CoFTRA to be frozen. The aim is for CoFTRA to conduct a thorough audit.

"Earlier I proposed how we would ask the Minister of Trade to temporarily freeze CoFTRA so that it can carry out a thorough performance audit of its system, regulations and possibly its human resources," he said during a DPR Commission VI meeting with CoFTRA, Wednesday, May 24.

Aria also hopes that while suspended, the Ministry of Trade can evaluate services to the community and restore the original purpose of establishing CoFTRA. Because, according to Aria, currently CoFTRA has deviated, even against its original goal.

"This is not without reason how there is a comprehensive and fundamental improvement in all matters related to CoFTRA," he said.

The same thing was also conveyed by a member of Commission VI of the DPR from the PAN faction, Jon Erizal. He highlighted the Acting CoFTRA Didid Noordiatmoko who was not aware of developments regarding cryptocurrencies. In particular, regarding the recent statement by the President of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, which stated that standard rules regarding crypto should be made.

"Why are you now asking things like this? You have to study it, chase the information, fly there, ask for views, then give permission," he said.

According to Erizal, if CoFTRA only makes decisions without finding out developing information and without conducting an in-depth study, it is actually dangerous for state security.

"If this is not done, only based on lobbying, this country will be broken," he said.