Indonesia Becomes A World Disaster Laboratory

BADUNG - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) collaborated with PT Expo Indonesia Jaya in a series of Global Platform Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR) events in Nusa Dua, Badung Regency, Bali, from May 23-28.

BNPB collaborated with PT Expo Indonesia Jaya to hold a disaster solution exhibition titled Asia Disaster Management & Civil Protection Expo & Conference (Adexco).

The exhibition of various disaster management equipment was shown to four thousand participants from 193 countries which was held at the White House, Art Bali Collection (ABBC), Nusa Dua, Bali and carried the tagline, "Reinforce Our Future, From Indonesia to the World,".

Adexco, is an effort to increase awareness and insight of all elements of the nation regarding the use of technology in disaster management.

President Director of Adecxo Novry Hetharia said, Indonesia is a disaster-prone country. In general, the victims of the disaster were greater than the victims of war.

"As a disaster-prone country, or what is known as a natural disaster supermarket, Indonesia has various experiences in handling disasters. That is our passion with BNPB and all other stakeholders to create a living laboratory and the largest in the world, namely a natural disaster laboratory. All countries can learn in the Indonesian natural disaster laboratory," he said, quoted from a written statement, Tuesday, May 24.

In the Indonesian natural disaster laboratory, various native Indonesian technologies were exhibited, which were produced by Indonesia and all of which came from domestic industries. Everything is a product of the nation's children. "We must become a disaster laboratory for the world to test resilience in the face of disasters," he said.

Meanwhile, Director of Operations AdexcoAndrian Cader said, in the exhibition, Adexco demonstrated the sophistication of Indonesian technology in disaster management, starting from the mitigation stage, handling during and after disasters.

"This is a Penthahelix collaboration starting from the government, academia, the business world and all other stakeholders to show Indonesia's resilience in dealing with disasters. We have to show the world that we are tough, and that domestic technology supports it," he said.

One of Indonesia's technological sophistications is the construction of a domus house which can be built in just five days. Also drone technology, multipurpose cars, and various other products.

Head of BNPB Suhariyanto said, according to expert analysis, disasters and natural phenomena that occur around the world, 45 percent occur in the Asian region. A number of disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis hit various parts of Asia and have resulted in hundreds of thousands of lives and losses totaling hundreds of billions of rupiah.

"Indonesia is also very prone to disasters, ranging from the tsunami, the Lombok earthquake, the Palu earthquake and liquefaction, the volcanic eruptions at Sinabung, Merapi, Semeru, enriching Indonesia's repertoire in disaster management," he said.