A Strategy Of The West Java Health Office So That Its Citizens Are Not Infected With Monkey Pox

JAKARTA - The West Java Provincial Health Office reminds residents to practice clean and healthy lifestyles to prevent exposure to various diseases, including monkeypox or monkeypox outbreaks. This disease is caused by the human monkeypox virus (MPXV) orthopoxvirus from the Poxviridae family which is highly pathogenic. trying to prevent prevention in this case socializing and conveying especially PHBS. Clean and healthy living behavior because for handling and so on, we are waiting according to the guidelines submitted by the Ministry of Health, "said Head of Health Services at the West Java Provincial Health Office, Dr. Raden Vini Adiani Dewi at Gedung Sate Bandung, Tuesday, May 24. Met after being a speaker at the West Java Have Information (Japri) event "Evaluation of the Implementation of Eid Al-Fitr Homecoming and Returning 1443 H/2022 AD in West Java", Dr. Vini said the West Java Health Office was still waiting direction of the Ministry of Health regarding the monkeypox disease outbreak."For smallpox Monkeys are again in principle waiting for directions from the Ministry of Health," he said as quoted by Antara. In addition, continued Dr. Vini, the West Java Provincial Health Office has also conveyed instructions to the district/city health office regarding measures to prevent the disease. For preventive promotion, we have conveyed the prevention to all district city offices. So, in this case, it is like the Singapore Flu, which in children and then in animals includes dental and oral diseases," he said.

Outbreaks of monkeypox, which have been identified in a number of countries, particularly the European region, have prompted the World Health Organization (WHO) to arrange an emergency meeting, according to a recent report. 11 cases on Friday (20/5).