Good News From Antam! Half Of 2021 Profit Is Ready To Be Distributed As Dividend For Shareholders

JAKARTA - PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) brings good news to its shareholders. With the 2021 profit reaching Rp1.86 trillion, Antam will set aside 50 percent of it as dividends.

Quoting Antam's statement, Tuesday, May 24, the dividend value reached Rp 930.87 billion. "While the remaining Rp930.87 billion is recorded as retained earnings," Antam's management wrote.

The certainty of the dividend value is the result of Antam's annual general meeting of shareholders (AGM).

In addition to discussing the value of dividends, Antam also appointed Gumiliar Rusliwa Somantri and Anang Sri Kusuwardono to return to serve as independent commissioners.

As is known, Antam managed to record a net profit distributed to owners of the parent company of IDR 1.86 trillion last year.

Antam's net profit recorded an increase of 61.98 percent from the same period in 2020 which amounted to Rp1.14 trillion. The increase in net income also increased the value of net income per share, from the previous Rp47.83 per share, to Rp77.47 per share.

Based on the publication of Antam's financial statements, the increase in net profit was supported by Antam's sales which increased 40.45 percent year on year (yoy) from Rp27.37 trillion at the end of 2020 to Rp38.44 trillion in the same period last year.

Antam's sales increase was supported by growth in sales of nickel ore, alumina, ferronickel and gold products. Meanwhile, sales of bauxite ore, silver, coal and other precious metals were recorded to decline in 2021.