Prabowo Called Foreigners Take Advantage Of The Job Creation Act Demo, But Don't Know Which Country

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Gerindra Party, Habiburokhman, straightened out the statement of its general chairman, who is the Minister of Defense, Prabowo Subianto, about foreign interference in alleged hoaxes circulating on social media regarding the Job Creation Law.

Habiburokhman said that Prabowo did not know which country he meant in exploiting the hoax issue of the Job Creation Law. Prabowo offended foreign parties only based on logic.

"The foreign matter is not a de facto legal statement, it is not like that. But this is logic based on the study of strategic science at the army academy," Habiburokhman said in a virtual discussion, Sunday, October 18.

Habiburokhman said, Prabowo did not deny that there were indeed community groups and workers participating in the action who had ideals of rejecting the ratification of the Omnibus Law.

However, there are elements or elements that take advantage of the situation. In Prabowo's scientific security strategy, he believes that there are parties who take advantage of this situation.

"It is true that there are laws that are deemed untrue, incorrect, not good and then rejected, they are genuine. But there are those who take advantage of the situation. That is also a common thing in strategic science that we both study," explained Habiburokhman.

The logic of foreign interference, said Habiburokhman, can be seen from many countries that have interests in Indonesia.

"In foreign countries, each of them has interests in our country. It is very natural that Pak Prabowo said this must be foreign parties who want Indonesia to be weak, who want to take advantage of this situation. If Indonesia is weak they can take advantage," he said.

As is well known, the Minister of Defense (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto believes that there are parties riding the demonstration by the public to reject the Omnibus Law on Cipta Kerja on Thursday, October 8.

He said that this chaos could have been done deliberately by parties from abroad by using figures in Indonesia who were unaware that they were being pitted against each other.

"I want to give a warning, this hoax means someone wants to create chaos. Now, and I have a belief that this comes from abroad. There are foreign powers, certain countries that never like Indonesia to be safe and advanced," Prabowo said.

"The characters we saw, he believed he was right, but he did something that he was not aware that this was actually someone else's game. And I always say that from hundreds of years ago we were pitted against each other," added the former Kopassus Danjen.