Knock! High Court Declares Rezky Aditya The Biological Father Of Wenny Ariani's Child
JAKARTA - The Banten High Court (PT) stated that artist Rezky Aditya is the biological father of Wenny Ariani. After being rejected by the court, this time PT Banten granted Wenny's claim.
"Yes, it has been decided," said Binsar Gultom as a spokesman for PT Banten quoting Lambe Turah on Tuesday, May 24.
In his statement, the decision Number 746/PDT.G/2021/PN.TNG has five points, namely:
1. accept the claim of the plaintiff/appealer in part
2. to declare that the defendant/appellate has committed an unlawful act.
3. stating that a daughter is the biological child of the defendant/appeal as long as the defendant/appellate cannot sue otherwise
4. refuse for the rest.
The reason why PT Banten granted Wenny's appeal refers to the legal umbrella of the Constitutional Court's decision No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010. Aries Merdeka Sirait as an expert on the plaintiff explained that the child had a relationship with his mother and father.
This can be proven by science and technology. As long as the defendant does not prove, then Wenny's child can be called the son of Rezky Aditya.
"Based on that reason, PT Banten is of the opinion that a girl is the biological child of the appeal/defendant so that the appeal/defendant can prove otherwise," explained Binsar Gultom.
So far, Wenny Ariani's lawsuit has never been heeded by Rezky Aditya. Rezky's party reasoned because the artist was busy so he didn't fulfill the call.