Two Children In Tanjung Duren Who Become Victims Of Their Father's Persecution Undergo Visum, Police Will Arrest Perpetrators

JAKARTA – The story of a child who experienced violence by his parents in West Jakarta has now become the attention of the police. Tanjung Duren Police, plans to investigate the case. So far, his party already knows the location and identity of the alleged perpetrator of violence against his son, Eko Soleh Supriyono (40). While the two children who were victims had the initials MRI (16) and MA (14).
"From the start, no one made a report. We were directed to make a police report," said Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Kanit Reskrim) of the Tanjung Duren Police Iptu Tri Bintang Baskoro, Monday, May 23.
Now, MRI and MA are assisted by the police to undergo a post-mortem. After that, both of them were questioned.
Previously, the alleged perpetrator and victim had undergone mediation. Mediation was carried out because the perpetrator was involved in an argument with his wife, NK (38). However, after the mediation was over, the perpetrator abused his two children.
"So the issue of child abuse has not yet reached the ears of Binmas, that's why we visited today," he said.
The two victims will be questioned at the Tanjung Duren Police. At the same time, the police are also trying to arrest Eko Soleh Supriyono.
Therefore, Bintang has not been able to explain the cause of the violence. He also did not explain the chronology of the persecution experienced by the two victims.