Total Livestock Exposed To FMD In Payakumbuh, West Sumatra Reached 38 Heads

PAYAKUMBUH - The total number of livestock exposed to foot and mouth disease (FMD) in Payakumbuh City, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) is 38 as of Sunday, May 22. Head of the Payakumbuh City Agriculture Service Department, Depi Sastra, said the cows exposed to FMD were spread across five sub-districts affected by the disease. in three sub-districts. "It is true that currently FMD has increased, the number of cattle infected with FMD is 38 heads spread over three sub-districts," he said accompanied by the Head of UPTD Puskeswan Payakumbuh Riche Hanny Z, Monday, May 23. He said, for the District In East Payakumbuh the number of infected cows is eight, North Payakumbuh four, and in West Payakumbuh 26. Meanwhile, the four cows exposed to FMD for the first time in Payakumbuh are currently getting better. provide education to breeders and toke in the field to pay attention to the environment around the cage, one of which is by doing In addition, the Agriculture Service also continues to facilitate or carry out services for treatment, giving vitamins to livestock affected by FMD. "In the future, cooperation between farmers and the government is needed. We have a fast service that we have at the Puskeswan in Payobasung," he said. They also continue to monitor the field every day, especially in cages that have a lot of livestock to see the development of PMK. "In addition, the most important thing is to monitor and maintain good livestock traffic entering and leaving the City of Payakumbuh which is expected to suppress the spread of PMK," he said.

Although there are already a number of animals exposed to FMD, Depi asked farmers not to worry because the mortality rate in livestock due to this disease is only two to five percent. can provide treatment," he concluded.