Minister Of PPPA: Children Must Be Active In Socializing Health Protocols To Prevent Family Clusters

JAKARTA - The Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati Puspayoga asked the children who are members of the Children's Forum to actively socialize the Family Health Protocol to prevent transmission of COVID-19, especially in the family cluster.

"The Children's Forum is a fairly large network. Children's creativity and innovation are expected to have a positive impact on the socialization of the Family Health Protocol," said Bintang during an online dialogue with Child Forum activists quoted from Antara , Saturday, October 17.

Bintang said the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection received special direction from President Joko Widodo after an increase in exposure to COVID-19 in the family cluster.

The President's Directive is a socialization of the 3M Movement; namely wearing a mask, keeping your distance, and washing your hands with soap and running water; involving women's organizations and community leaders and the preparation of a Family Health Protocol.

"Children have been involved in 3M socialization and have carried out a lot of creativity and innovation. I highly appreciate the great children who took part in this COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

According to Bintang, the COVID-19 pandemic is a difficult situation for everyone. If children can take a role in handling and preventing the spread of COVID-19, then that is extraordinary.

He said the Family Health Protocol covers four aspects, namely the general family health protocol, the health protocol when family members are exposed, the family health protocol when doing activities outside the home, and the health protocol in the surrounding environment when a resident is exposed.

"Ask the children to take part, such as when children socialize 3M massively," he said.

Some of the guidelines in the Family Health Protocol in general are about 3M, namely using a mask, washing hands using soap and running water, and maintaining distance.

In addition, avoiding crowds, increasing endurance with clean and healthy living habits, limiting interactions with other people, not smoking in the house, and applying coughing and sneezing ethics.