Minister Of Agriculture Syahrul Says PMK Outbreak Has Spread In 16 Provinces And Infected 20,723 Livestock

JAKARTA - Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo said that currently the Mouth and Nail Disease (FMD) outbreak has spread to 16 provinces, 82 regencies/cities and has infected 20,723 livestock. While those who recovered were 6,898 or 33.92 percent of the total sick population.

"Indeed there are 82 districts, but from what is here, if we look at the sick, there are 20,000 of which if we look at the provincial level, 16 of the 13 million (livestock population) who are sick are only 20,000," he said in a working meeting with Commission IV DPR, Monday, May 23.

The details are from 16 provinces there are 13,841,258 head of livestock. The number of affected livestock was 5.45 million heads as of May 22, 2022, and the total population of sick cattle was 20,723 heads (0.38 percent of the total district population affected by 5.45 million heads). Cattle that recovered 6,898 or 33.92 percent of the total sick population.

The 16 provinces in question are Aceh, Bangka Belitung, Banten, DIY, West Java, Central Java, East Java, West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, Lampung, West Nusa Tenggara, Riau, West Sumatra, South Sumatra and North Sumatra. .

"Of the 20,000 (sick cattle) that were forcibly slaughtered 162 tails were forcibly slaughtered here, according to the recommendations of the health clinic, which justifies as long as the innards are not and around the mouth, say no to the face, if you don't get it directly on the leg, it's fit for consumption," he explained.

As for the livestock that died due to the FMD virus as many as 142 tails. Minister of Agriculture Syahrul admitted that this was due to the delay in intervention at the time the outbreak first entered Indonesia.

"If we look at the existing data, the number of direct deaths is not too many. 142 of them died. That was from the early stages of our late intervention in 16 provinces," he said.

Minister of Agriculture Syahrul said that the transmission of PMK was quite fast, namely through air or airborne. Therefore, the Ministry of Agriculture has set alert 1 regarding this issue.

"There is nothing we take lightly or take this lightly, no. We are very serious on the field and we can't sleep anymore, we even set alert 1," he said.