BNPT: Virtual World Peace Ambassador Formed To Counter Radicalism

PALU - The National Counterterrorism Agency has formed cyber peace ambassadors in an effort to arrest the growth and development of radicalism and terrorism in the country. , Monday, May 23. BNPT continues to strive to counter the notions of intolerance, radicalism, and terrorism by using various approaches, one of which prioritizes prevention through the formation of peace ambassadors in all provinces. Currently, cyber peace ambassadors have been formed in 15 provinces throughout Indonesia, including Central Sulawesi. In Central Sulawesi, there are 57 cadres of peace ambassadors recruited by BNPT in collaboration with the Central Sulawesi Province Terrorism Prevention Coordination Forum (FKPT). these are students and social media activists who received education related to capacity building through assistance in the fields of writing, visual communication design or content creators, as well as the field of information technology. To the cyber peace ambassadors, Sujatmiko reminded the spread of radicalism and terrorism to be one of the problems facing the nation. Indonesia. Radicalism and terrorism have become enemies of the state because they pose a threat to the ideology of the state as well as the unity and integrity of the nation. In addition, groups with radical and terrorist ideas tend to be hostile to other groups who do not agree with their understanding. "In addition to using religious ideology, the second indicator is takfiri, which is always blaming and blaming groups that disagree with them," he added, quoted by Antara. , radicalism and terrorism groups are anti-sufism and tarekat. In fact, he continued, the substance of Sufism and tarekat is a humble attitude, which is in line with religious advice to be humble to every human being.

In this regard, Chairman of the Central Sulawesi Province FKPT M. Nur Sangadji said all elements and components of the nation must mainstream the countermeasures of radicalism and terrorism. " said Nur Sangadji. He said that currently there are four problems facing the Indonesian people, namely radicalism and terrorism, corruption, drugs, and the threat of natural and non-natural disasters. " he said.