Not Satisfied Only Met By Millennial Staff, BEM SI Will Return To Demonstrate Against The Job Creation Law

JAKARTA - Despite a meeting with the Special Staff of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Aminuddin Ma'ruf, the SI Alliance of Student Executive Bodies (BEM) plans to carry out another demonstration against the Omnibus Law on Cipta Kerja next week. This is because they feel that the presidential staff who met them were not representatives of President Jokowi.

"The ones who met the protesters were not the people we expected, but special millennial staff who were deemed not representative of the President of the Republic of Indonesia," read a written statement from BEM SI quoted on Saturday, October 17.

For this reason, the alliance then stated that it would continue to carry out demonstrations on Tuesday, October 20. This action also coincided with a year of Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin's administration. They will again step down to voice the repeal of the Omnibus Law on Cipta Kerja and again convey a motion of no confidence for the government and people's representatives.

BEM SI also emphasized that they would hold a peaceful demonstration and would bring back the four demands that were read out when Aminuddin Ma'ruf met them in the action held at the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta on Friday, October 16 yesterday.

"This action is a peaceful action and free from all anarchist actions as a manifestation of the intellectual and moral movement of students," they stressed.

It is known that at around 15.30 WIB Aminuddin Ma'ruf arrived in the vicinity of the demonstration. He also had time to listen to the statement read by representatives of BEM SI before leaving the location in the pouring rain at around 16.00 WIB.

After meeting with demonstrators, Jokowi's staff member said he was indeed asked to meet with students from BEM SI who demonstrated against the Omnibus Law on Employment Creation.

"Yes, that's right (meeting BEM SI, red). I was asked to meet with younger students who conveyed their aspirations," said Aminuddin when contacted by VOI via text message, Friday, October 16.

He said that the aspirations conveyed in the BEM SI oration would soon be conveyed to President Jokowi.

"Yes, God willing, I will convey it to the President later," he said.

The following are the demands and stance statements of the All-Indonesia BEM Alliance in holding a demonstration today:

  1. Urge the president to issue a Perppu to revoke the Job Creation Law which was passed on Monday, October 5, 2020
  2. Condemn the government's actions that try to intervene in the people's movements and voices over the rejection of the Job Creation Law
  3. Condemn the various repressive actions of the state apparatus against the entire mass of actions
  4. Inviting students from all over Indonesia to unite to continue to convey rejection of the Job Creation Law until the Job Creation Law is revoked and canceled.