PKB Joins KIB As Long As It's A Presidential Candidate Cak Imin, PPP: Haven't Joined Yet, Just Asking For Various Conditions, Yes It's Difficult

JAKARTA - The United Development Party (PPP) responded to the chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin that his party was ready to join the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) on condition that he was promoted as a presidential candidate (candidate) in 2024.

PPP DPP chairman Achmad Baidowi or Awiek said it was better for PKB to first join the United Indonesia Coalition before discussing the presidential candidate. Because the discussions between Golkar, PAN and PPP have not yet reached the figure that will be carried as a presidential candidate.

"The three of us, Golkar, PAN and PPP have not discussed the presidential and vice presidential candidates. If you want to be promoted by this party coalition, please join first. Perhaps there is a common view of the leadership of these parties to carry Cak Imin's brother," Awiek told reporters on Monday. , May 23.

Awiek said the coalition did not rule out the possibility of nominating Cak Imin in the 2024 presidential election. However, he said, it would be difficult if PKB provided conditions for carrying a presidential candidate, but had not joined KIB.

"If you just join, you have asked for various conditions, yes, it is difficult. (But, red) It is possible that Cak Imin can also be promoted as a presidential candidate from this coalition as long as he joins and discusses it first," explained Awiek.

"Because we, this coalition has not unconditionally discussed the presidential and vice-presidential candidates. We have just formed the coalition," he continued.

Awiek added that KIB is open to anyone who wants to become a presidential or vice presidential candidate in 2024. However, he said, there must be a mutual understanding from each party in the coalition regarding the figures of the presidential and vice presidential candidates.

"We are open to anyone becoming a vice presidential candidate, whether political parties or non-political parties. But a mutual understanding must be reached first. We haven't talked about who and who they are," said Awiek. United Indonesia Coalition aka KIB. The condition is that Cak Imin must become a presidential candidate.

"We are ready to join, as long as I am the presidential candidate," said Cak Imin after the Joint Prayer for Ulama and Habaib for World Peace in Surabaya, Sunday, May 22.