Which Is Better, Liquid Or Bar Soap?

YOGYAKARTA - Bathing is a daily activity that cannot be abandoned. Bathing generally by brushing teeth and wiping the body with soap. Soap, which is better, liquid or bar?

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), soap is defined as a combination of fatty and alkaline ingredients. But over-the-counter soaps are synthetic, so they don't cover the FDA's definition. Synthetic materials are considered non-hazardous. But traditionally, soap is understood to avoid chemicals, besides being able to harm the environment it also supports local businesses.

Dermatologist Rachel Burns explains that both types of soap are equally effective at removing pathogens and dirt. Meanwhile, to maintain healthy skin, vair soap is more recommended. Because liquid soap has a higher pH content, it triggers the risk of skin dehydration and dryness quickly.

For the purpose of cleaning the body, it is recommended to choose only bar soap. This suggestion was encouraged by soaps containing high levels of natural ingredients such as essential oils and the chemical glycerin that cleans dirt. Although these two ingredients are not impossible to be formulated in liquid soap. The ingredient that needs to be avoided from both types of soap is triclosan because it is not safe for people who have allergies.

Illustration of liquid soap and bar soap (iStockphoto)

Which is better, liquid or bar soap depends on the content in it. The thing to note, when using bar soap, after using it is not 100 percent sterile. Then this adds to the excess of liquid soap. Well, but if you have allergies to certain ingredients, it is recommended to use liquid soap only. Especially if you and your family use the bathroom together, or share soap for the family.

Burns further explained, bar soap is more likely to accumulate and contaminate when compared to liquid soap. Because if someone in the hospital is sick, it is easy for the family to catch germs if they share the same bar of soap. Advice when using liquid soap, clean and sterilize the outside of the bottle regularly.

It is important to note, choose a soap that does not lather a lot. For sink or hand soap, a foaming soap encourages you to clean your hands properly.

That's an explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of each type of soap. Apart from the recommendations above, it is necessary to consider and avoid ingredients that have certain effects on your skin and your family.