Google Claims To Let Tinder And OkCupid Use In-App Payments

JAKARTA - The parent company of dating apps Tinder, Hinge and OkCupid, Match Group Inc is likely to stay on the Google app store, by offering an alternative payment system.

First reported by the Wall Street Journal, Match Group some time ago filed a complaint against Google accusing the company of monopolizing the market illegally to distribute applications.

According to the Match Group, Google requires app developers to use Google's own billing system and then take a discount of up to 30 percent on any in-app purchases.

Match Group later sought a temporary restraining order against Google, but withdrew its request last Friday after Google made several concessions.

Under their provisional agreement, Google is claimed to be allowing the Match Group app to remain on the Play Store and will not be removing it because it includes an alternative payment system.

In addition, the search giant has also agreed to take good faith to address Match issues with Google Play Billing. Match Group, in turn, will seek to offer Google's billing system as an option to consumers.

Finally, instead of paying Google a commission for in-app purchases that occur outside the company's payment system, Match Group has set up a $40 million escrow fund equivalent to IDR 586 billion.

Starting July 1, Match will track the fees that Google normally pays. The funds will remain in place until both parties go to court next April.

However, following Match Group's announcement, Google accused the company of publishing a press release that was misleading and misrepresented the terms of their agreement.

"Match Group's claim that they were unable to integrate Google Play's billing system because it lacks key features, and contradicts the fact that Match Group has been proactively successfully using Play billing in more than 10 of its apps," Google said as quoted by Engadget, Sunday, May 22.

Google added that they will also file a countersuit against Match Group for violating its Developer Distribution Agreement prior to the 2023 trial.