In Memoriam Achmad Yurianto: Starting As A Photographer Profession, His Career Ends As A Doctor

JAKARTA - Talking about the handling of COVID-19 in the country, it cannot be separated from the figure of Achmad Yurianto who breathed his last at Syaiful Anwar Hospital, Malang, on Saturday (21/5/2022) at 18:58 WIB.

The graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, died after receiving treatment at the Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital, Jakarta, due to colon cancer.

Yurianto or Yuri was widely known to the public when he served as spokesman for the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country. At that time, he was appointed by President Joko Widodo as the government's spokesman for the handling of COVID-19.

The appointment was made officially on March 3, 2020 or exactly one day after the President announced the first COVID-19 case in the country. Almost every day, Yuri's face adorns the screen announcing the latest developments on COVID-19 in the country.

While serving as a spokesman, Yuri had sparked controversy when he made statements regarding the rich and the poor, which meant that the rich protect the poor and vice versa. Yuri served as spokesperson from March 2020 to July 2020 which was later replaced by Prof. Wiku Adisasmito.

Yuri, who was born in Malang on March 11, 1962, has since been known to be close to the semi-military world. Yuri served as Commander of the Student Regiment (Menwa) from 1986 to 1988 and joined the military after graduating from college.

While in college, Yuri had pursued a profession as a professional photographer and made it his livelihood. Even the photos taken were offered at a high enough value, which was once sold for Rp. 75 million. Yuri admitted that he was happy with photography, even though he was no longer a hobby photographer until the end of his life.

Army Doctor

During his lifetime, Yuri had many careers as a doctor in the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI). He started his career as the Main Officer of the Health of the Military Region V Brawijaya in 1987. Then in 1991, he served in the Health of the Military Region IX Udayana, Bali. He was also trusted as a doctor in Dili, East Timor.

He also served as Deputy Head of the Level II Hospital Dustira, Cimahi in 2006, Deputy Head of Regional Military Health IV Diponegoro Semarang in 2008, Head of Military Health Region XI Pattimura, Ambon, in 2009, to Head of the Operations Health Support Service for the TNI Health Center in 2011.

Yuri also took a Masters degree in the UI Hospital Administration Study Program in 1999.

In 2014, Yuri joined the Ministry of Health and was entrusted with the position of Head of the Health Crisis Center. The late also served as Secretary of the Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) of the Ministry of Health. He has also held a number of other important positions, including the Director General of Disease Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Health (2020), Expert Staff of the Minister of Health in the field of Health Technology and Globalization (2020 - until the end of his life), to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of BPJS Health (2021 until the end of his life). .

Head of the Ministry of Health's Public Relations Bureau, Widyawati, said the deceased's body was taken to the residence of Jalan Ir Soekarno 31 Batu City, Malang.

"Hopefully he will be given the best place by Allah SWT and the family he left behind will be given strength and patience. Amen, robbal alamin," said Widya as quoted by Antara.

Bowel Cancer

The news about his illness was widely reported in mid-April 2022. The news that spread through the chain message reported that Achmad Yurianto was receiving treatment at the RSPAD.

According to information from his relatives, the late often ate too late and later suffered from digestive diseases which then led to colon cancer. Not only his family who felt lost, the Indonesian people lost their best son.

"Innalillahi wainnaillaihi rajiun. We, the board of directors, are deeply saddened by the passing of Mr. Achmad Yurianto to Ramatullah. May the late Husnul Khotimah, his sins be forgiven, his deeds of worship accepted and the family left behind be given fortitude, strength and sincerity. Amen YRA," said the Managing Director of BPJS Kesehatan, Ali Ghufron Mukti.

Ghufron Mukti said the body of the late Achmad Yurianto would be buried in Batu City, Malang, East Java, Sunday (22/5).

Today Indonesia lost one of its best sons.

Achmad Yurianto, who is also the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of BPJS Health and once served as the Spokesperson for COVID-19 RI, has died after struggling for a long time with his illness.

Ghufron said that throughout his life the deceased had made many outstanding contributions and dedications in various fields, including in the administration of the health insurance system.

The deceased was known as a very wise, humble, friendly, professional and high-integrity person in his work.

"We thank you for the attention and empathy of all parties, including media colleagues, for the deceased," he said.

Ghufron invites the public to pray together for a moment so that the deceased can rest in peace by His side and the bereaved family is given fortitude and sincerity.

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Prof. Ari Syam, also expressed his condolences for the passing of his colleague.

“My deepest condolences for the passing of Dr. Achmad Yurianto MARS, Saturday, May 21, 2022 at 18:58, at RSSA Malang. I met the deceased several times when I was still the spokesperson for COVID-19 at BNPB. Hopefully the late Husnul Khotimah," said Ari. Goodbye Mr. Yuri, your services will last forever.