This Company Is Looking For Employees Who Get Paid To Eat Biscuits

JAKARTA - A biscuit company in England called Border Biscuit provides a unique but interesting job.

The company is looking for a biscuit tester called a master biscuitier with a salary of £ 40,000. This Scottish biscuit company hopes to find people who are willing to try all of their products.

Launching The Independent , Friday, October 16, Border Biscuit wrote, "Successful candidates will spend their days starting from the production kitchen, selecting new flavors to helping the team to innovate, quality and sustainable systems in business."

This job was created to enable Border Biscuit to produce biscuits that could attract consumers' attention. In fact, in addition to the salary offered, free biscuits were to be distributed.

This job vacancy was released after a survey of the British public's favorite biscuits circulated.

This survey by Perspectus Global with 2000 people proved McVitie's digestive chocolate biscuits to be the number one biscuit in the country. Then there are shortbread biscuits, chocolate fingers, Jaffa Cakes, and chocolate biscuits from Hobnobs.

British public interest in biscuits will still increase in 2020. Therefore, they hope that the Master Biscuitier job can be felt soon.