The Attitude Of Twitter And Facebook To Ban Biden Articles, Bias Or Prevent Hoaxes?

JAKARTA - The attitude of Twitter and Facebook is considered biased because they have tried to prevent news links criticizing the candidate for President of the United States, Joe Biden. US President Donald Trump is even furious about the attitude of the two social media giants. The question is, can the attitude of Twitter and Facebook be called biased?

Two days ago, October 14, Twitter and Facebook banned users from sharing a link to an article from the New York Post criticizing Biden. The social media warned that the link was not safe.

The prohibition is certainly not without basis. Both Twitter and Facebook explained that the source of the documents contained in the article was hacked.

The article focused on dissecting the contents of the email of Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden in April 2015. At that time, an adviser from an energy company in Ukraine thanked Hunter Biden for inviting him to meet Joe Biden in Washington. But the article provides no evidence that the meeting actually took place.

In the article itself, it is explained that the document was obtained from a copy of the laptop data belonging to Hunter Biden, his son Joe Biden who was being serviced in Delaware in April 2019. In addition to the document about the alleged scandal called "Smoking-gun", there is also a personal video recording Hunter Biden who claims to be battling an addiction problem, and other explicit images.

The laptop was brought by a customer who admitted that his device had problems after being exposed to water. However, since last year, his client never took back the laptop he repaired.

Meanwhile, the shop owner had difficulty identifying his client, whether Hunter Biden or not. But he said the laptop had a sticker from the Beau Biden Foundation - the name of Hunter's brother and former Delaware attorney general. Then in December, the laptop was confiscated by the FBI.

The Biden team denied it

The Biden campaign team refuted the "Smoking-gun" news. It said Hunter Biden joined the energy company board of directors in 2014, while his father was the vice president of the US. He resigned from the company in 2019.

"We have reviewed Joe Biden's official schedule since then and there has been no meeting, as alleged by the New York Post," Biden's campaign team was quoted as saying by the BBC .

"Investigations by the press, during the impeachment, and even by two Republican-led Senate committees whose work was denounced as 'illegitimate' and political by a Republican colleague, all reached the same conclusion: that Joe Biden was carrying out official US policy toward Ukraine and did nothing wrong, "said Andrew Bates, a spokesman for Joe Biden.

"Trump administration officials have proven these facts under oath," he concluded.