9 Soldiers Allegedly Involved In Human Cage Langkat Regent, TNI Commander Asks Victims Don't Be Afraid

JAKARTA - The TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa asked the victims of the human cage case belonging to the Regent of Langkat, North Sumatra, to issue a Wind War Plan, not to be afraid to speak out or tell the truth.

"Don't be afraid, let's talk as it is so that we can really punish those involved," he said when receiving a visit from the head of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) monitored from his YouTube channel in Jakarta, Friday, May 20.

In an audience between the TNI Commander and the LPSK leadership along with a number of victims of the human cage, reported Antara, General Andika directly asked the victim's courage to speak up.

The victims who were presented immediately stated that they were not afraid and were ready to provide complete information or testimony. However, one young man admitted that he was afraid when the TNI Commander asked him.

When asked by the TNI Commander, the victim nodded and admitted that she was afraid because she was still traumatized by what had happened.

Until now, the TNI Commander said he had examined nine soldiers suspected of being involved in the human cage case. However, that number could increase if there were other TNI personnel involved.

"We are not closing or limiting just nine. We are trying to keep digging," said the former Army Chief of Staff (Kasad).

In his explanation, the TNI Commander asked all parties, especially the victims, to report any intimidation. "If it is from the TNI who intimidates us, we will definitely follow up on it," he said.

The commander asked the LPSK leadership to provide a list and home addresses of the victims. The goal is that the TNI can control or patrol specifically.

"We provide security for victims of various kinds of intimidation during the legal process," he stressed.