Maleo Bird, Sulawesi Endemic Animal With Critical Status

JAKARTA - Maleo bird, an endemic species of Sulawesi, is now endangered, aka threatened because it faces the risk of extinction in the wild. This bird, which is an icon of the province of Central Sulawesi, has a Latin name.

The Central Sulawesi Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA Central Sulawesi) said the Maleo bird can be found in the Lore Lindu National Park conservation area, the Tanjung Matop Pinjan Wildlife Reserve, the Bakiriang Wildlife Reserve, and the Morowali Nature Reserve.

"Maleo is a unique Sulawesi endemic bird which currently has an endangered status according to the IUCN and is included in the Appendix 1 list of CITES," said the Central Sulawesi BKSDA statement, Friday, October 16.

Behind this status, the Maleo Bird is a unique animal. BKSDA mentioned a number of facts about this bird.

First, the Maleo Bird has a large bulge on its head. Its function is to detect heat to hatch the eggs. This bulge appears when the maleo is an adult.

Maleo birds are called loyal animals. In all his life, Maleo will only live together with one partner, aka monogamy. Maleo prefers to be side by side with a partner and look after each other rather than in groups looking for protection.

"Third, Maleo does not go through the incubation process because the size of the eggs are quite large, even bigger than their own body size. If it is estimated, one maleo egg is equal to 5 chicken eggs, "explained the Central Sulawesi BKSDA.

Fourth, Maleo lives in a hot place. To bury the eggs, the maleo requires the earth's temperature with a certain geothermal heat. Therefore, this bird can only live near hot sandy beaches or mountainous areas (highlands) that have hot springs.

"Even though it is Aves, it turns out that Maleo is not a bird that likes to fly. Unlike other bird friends, maleo often uses his feet to walk," said the Central Sulawesi BKSDA while reminding the community to take part in preserving the forest.