Regent Calls Damaged Roads In South Sorong Due To Timber Transport Truck Activities

PAPUA - South Sorong Regent Samsuddin Anggiluli said that most of the damage to roads in his area was triggered by the rampant activity of transporting timber using large capacity trucks.

"Every night a large-capacity truck loaded with wood transports wood from the South Sorong area to Sorong City and this results in damaged road conditions," he said in South Sorong, West Papua Province, confiscated from Antara, Friday, May 20.

According to him, the South Sorong Regency Government has limited authority to regulate the rampant timber activities because the permit authority lies at the level of the West Papua Province.

"We in the regions can only feel the impact of road damage due to the rampant and irregular activities of transporting wood using large capacity vehicles," he said.

He explained that his party had met with the President and suggested that the authority for forest management be returned to the regions.

It is proposed that the regions can manage properly so that there is no impact of damage felt by the community, both environmental damage and road infrastructure due to timber activities.

"We also continue to build communication with the West Papua provincial government, in this case the Forestry Service, so that road and environmental damage that is not wanted by the people in South Sorong can be minimized," said Samsuddin.