Government Requires Power Plants To Implement An Electricity Safety Management System

JAKARTA - The government requires owners of electric power installations in the form of business entities, one of which is a power plant, to have an electricity safety management system (SMK2) as an effort to increase compliance in the application of electricity safety.

The Director General of Electricity at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Rida Mulyana said that the Electricity Safety Management System (SMK2) is part of the overall business entity management system in order to control risks related to electricity in order to create electricity safety.

"As we know, besides being useful, electric power can also be dangerous for the community and the environment, for that the government regulates policies regarding the provisions of electricity safety," said Rida when opening the webinar "Introduction to the Electricity Safety Management System (SMK2) and the Socialization of the Electricity Safety Award. (K2)" online, Thursday 19 May.

Rida added, according to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation Number 10 of 2021 concerning Electricity Safety, there are three objectives in the application of electricity safety, namely reliable and safe for electrical power installations, safe from harm to humans and other living creatures, and lastly, environmentally friendly.

The fulfillment of electricity safety, called Rida, must meet several aspects, one of which is that every electrical equipment used must meet the Indonesian National Standard, and every electricity business activity must comply with the provisions required in the laws and regulations in the environmental field.

Meanwhile, Director of Electricity Engineering and Environment MP Dwinugroho said that the fulfillment of electricity safety must be applied to every provision of electric power installations, installations for the use of electricity, and equipment and utilization of electricity.

According to Dwinugroho, SMK2 is applied to the operation and maintenance of electrical power installations that are applied to electricity supply installations such as power plant installations with a minimum capacity of 5 MW, electricity transmission installations, electricity distribution installations, and installations of electric power utilization with a maximum capacity of 5 MW. at least 200 kVA.

In accordance with the provisions, the implementation of SMK2 must be audited at least once a year by internal business entities and parties who have SMK2 audit competence and the results are reported to the government.

Based on the annual report on the implementation of the SMK2 implementation audit, the Government provides a certificate of compliance to the installation owner based on the obedience predicate on the results of the SMK2 implementation compliance assessment that has been carried out.

"The government is committed to giving awards to business entities that obey the provisions of electricity safety, as well as to provide strict sanctions for business entities that violate the provisions of electricity safety," said Dwinugroho.

Director of Operations-1 PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PJB) M Yossy Noval on the same occasion said his readiness to support the implementation of electricity safety and implementation towards a greener Indonesia.

Several efforts have been made by PJB by carrying out co-firing at coal-fired power plants by mixing coal with biomass because the carbon nature of biomass is carbon neutral.

"We are also implementing digital power plants in power plants, where with the implementation of digital power plants we can monitor more deeply and take actions more quickly so that equipment reliability conditions can be efficient, air pollution conditions can be mitigated and we can take corrective actions. more targeted and earlier actions," concluded Yossy.