Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Calls Ustaz Abdul Somad's Rejection Singapore's Sovereignty

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that every country, including Singapore, has its own sovereignty and immigration policies. This affirmation is related to the incident of Ustadz Abdul Somad (UAS) who was refused entry to Singapore.

"In practice so far, the state has jurisdiction and legal provisions that apply in its country ... it may not accept someone entering its territory based on various considerations and we don't always know the reason," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Teuku Faizasyah as quoted by Antara, Thursday, 19 May. Responding to the case of UAS being refused entry to Singapore, Faizasyah said that the Indonesian Embassy had taken steps to protect Indonesian citizens, including by sending a diplomatic note asking for an explanation of the reasons for the refusal. refusal to enter because UAS is considered to be spreading extremist teachings and divisions. "About yesterday's issue, the Indonesian Embassy has done its job and we have also recorded an explanation from Singapore," said Faizasyah. Meanwhile, the Director of Protection of Indonesian Citizens (WNI) and Indonesian Legal Entities (BHI) Ministry of Foreign Affairs Judha Nugraha Abdul Somad suggested that what happened to Abdul Somad was a refusal to enter (not to land), and not deportation, as stated by the ustadz in the video that circulated. So there are two terms that we have to understand, about deportation and not going to land,” said Judha.

Just like Singapore, Judha explained that Indonesia has its own immigration rules which are regulated in Law No. 6 of 2011. The law states that it is Indonesia's authority not to state reasons for refusing foreigners to enter the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. From January to 17 May 2022, there were 452 foreigners who were denied entry to Indonesia for various immigration reasons, including Singaporeans. cannot enter," said Judha.