Luhut Ensures Omnibus Law Is Not Done Hurriedly

JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan ensured that the Job Creation Law or Omnibus Law was not done hastily because the initiation had even been carried out since he served as Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security in 2015.
"Don't say it is hasty. I want to step back a little. Since I was Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, the President has ordered it. He saw why it was chaotic. Finally we looked for its shape and found what is called this Omnibus," he said in an interview for one year of Jokowi's administration. -Ma'ruf Amin, which was broadcast on a private television channel, reported by Antara , Friday, October 16.
Luhut said that at that time he gathered legal experts in the Omnibus Law initiation. However, the discussion will really be carried out further after the 2019 Presidential Election.
"So nothing is hidden. Everything is open, everyone is invited to talk. But not all can also be invited to talk. There are limitations," he said.
Luhut said in the discussion, not all parties agreed. He also admits that this is a characteristic of democracy that is never unanimous. He also admitted that the Omnibus Law Cipta's work was imperfect.
However, he ensured that the deficiencies would be regulated later in derivative regulations in the form of Presidential Regulations (Perpres), Government Regulations (PP) to Ministerial Regulations (Permen).
"If it is necessary to accommodate shortages here and there," he said.
Previously, the Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah said that he was preparing a Government Regulation (PP) as a derivative of the Employment Cluster Work Creation Law.
According to Ida, the regulation is planned to be finalized by the end of October and its drafting will involve various stakeholders in the labor sector, including trade / labor unions and employers.
Ida Fauziyah also said that before it was submitted to the People's Representative Council (DPR) for ratification, the discussion on the draft of the Job Creation Law had been carried out with public participation involving trade unions, employers and academics.
"The government confirms once again that the process of drafting the Job Creation Bill has involved public participation. For the workforce cluster, the Ministry of Manpower invites labor stakeholders whether it is a trade / labor union, employers even invite academics from universities and listen to the aspirations of the International Labor Organization (ILO). , "said Ida.