Unbeaten, Indonesia Sweeps The Match In Group B And Advances To The Final Stage

JAKARTA - The Indonesian MLBB national team has won the first match with Vietnam at the 2021 SEA Games with a final score of 2-0. Indonesia also got 3 points from the win.

Unlike the first match, Indonesia changed the formation of players in the second match. From the beginning, Albert, Calvin Winata (CW), Nicky Fernando (Kiboy), Ihsan Besari (Luminaire), and Rivaldi Fatah (R7). In the second match, Gilang (Sanz), and Calvin (Vyn) joined in to replace Kiboy and Luminaire.

The meeting between Indonesia and Singapore in this match was not much different from the previous match. Indonesia again won two games at once.

In the first game, Alberttt uses Baxia heroes, CW uses Popol and Kupa, Sanz uses Xavier, Vyn uses Franko, while R7 uses Esmeralda.

With the composition of heroes used by Indonesia, it turned out to be sweet. Indonesia won the first game with.

In just 12 minutes 15 seconds, Indonesia managed to collect 13 kills. Meanwhile, Singapore only got 9 kills. The temporary position is 1-0 for Indonesia.

Not much different from the first game, in the second game, Vyn sticks with his Franko hero, Albert uses Hayabusa, CW uses Beatrix, Sanz uses Cecilion, and R7 uses Chou.

In a time that was not much different, namely 12 minutes 41 seconds, Indonesia won the second game with 12 kills. Meanwhile, Singapore collected the number of kills which was only a difference of one point, which was 11 kills.

With these two wins, Indonesia managed to get a score of 2-0 from Singapore. As in the previous match, Indonesia also got 3 additional points in the second match.

Not only that, CW also managed to become MVP in both games against Singapore, at the SEA Games event which was held in Hanoi, Vietnam this time.

When viewed from the total points that have been collected by the Indonesian MLBB National Team in the Group Stage, with 6 points obtained, Indonesia should have won first place in Group B.

Indonesia has successfully advanced to the Final Stage, which will be held on 19 May. Make sure you continue to support the national team to win gold at the 31 SEA Games. You can watch the struggles of MLBB athletes on MPL Indonesia's YouTube channel.