This Is The Role Of 4 US Medan Suspects In Cases Of Hate Speech And Incitement

JAKARTA - Four members of the coalition for the Action to Save Indonesia (WE) were arrested by the police in Medan, North Sumatra on suspicion of spreading hate speech and incitement related to demonstrations against the Job Creation Act.

Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, said that the four suspects, namely, Khairi Amri, Juliana, Devi, and Wahyu Rasari Putri had the same role in this case, namely spreading hate speech narratives on Whatsapp group (WAG).

The earliest was that the suspect Khairi Amri sent a photo of the DPR-RI building to the Whatsapp group with a narrative of insults.

"What was conveyed was that the WAG was first put in the photo of the DPR RI office in the WAG, then the writing was guaranteed to be complete at the office of the den of thieves and demons," said Argo to reporters, Thursday, October 15.

In the narrative made by Khairi Amri, it seemed as if he ordered group members to throw stones at the DPR-RI building and the police. In fact he wrote a narrative not to be afraid to do that.

"This train has writing that collects witnesses pelting DPR and throwing at the police. Then there are you guys, don't be afraid and don't back down. It's in this WAG as evidence," said Argo.

Then, the suspect Juliani has the role of creating a narrative to carry out riots like the reform era. Juliani also wrote that the masses should carry Molotov cocktails when they took action.

"Create a scenario like 98. Then loot Chinese shops and houses. Then thugs are brought in to loot. We have made evidence for words like that," said Argo.

Furthermore, the suspect wrote that the government will go to war with China. Finally, the suspect, Wahyu Rasari Putri, wrote a narrative asking the protesters to bring Molotov cocktails.

"(Devi) he said that Medan is suitable for land. He is sure that the government itself will fight itself against China. That is the next suspect that WRP said that he must bring Molotov cocktails," he said.

Previously it was reported, Bareskrim Polri arrested eight people who were members of the Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (WE). They were secured in Jakarta and Medan, North Sumatra.

"In Medan, WE (4 people), and Jakarta (4 people)," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono to VOI , Tuesday, October 13.

They were accused of Article 45 A paragraph 2 of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 19 of 2014 concerning ITE and / or Article 160 of the Criminal Code concerning sedition with a maximum sentence of 6 years in prison and a fine of IDR 1 billion.