The Pressure For The Perppu To Reappear After The OTT Of The Former KPU Commissioner

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo is again urged to immediately issue a Government Regulation in Lieu of a Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Law to cancel Law Number 19 of 2019. According to Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), the performance of anti-graft institutions is made even more difficult without the presence of the Perppu. .

"President Joko Widodo should not throw away the body when the KPK's condition is getting weaker due to the enactment of the new KPK Law. The issuance of the Perppu must be the President's top priority in rescuing the KPK," said ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana in a written statement received by VOI on Sunday, January 12. .

The pressure for the issuance of this Perppu emerged, after the KPK was deemed slow when it was about to search several places to look for evidence in the bribery case that ensnared former KPU commissioner Wahyu Setiawan regarding the inter-time replacement (PAW) of the PDI-P candidates.

Kurnia assessed that the cause of the slow performance of the KPK in conducting searches was because investigators needed permission from the supervisory board in accordance with Law Number 19 of 2019 Article 37B paragraph 1.

"In fact, the KPK has proven to be slow in conducting searches at the PDIP office," he said.

He also questioned the need for permission from other parties to carry out the search. This is because the request for a permit that needs administration is considered to be an opening to hide and even destroy evidence.

"How is it possible that a search that aims to search and find evidence can be carried out properly and quickly if it has to wait for permission from the Supervisory Board?" he asked.

So if you reflect on the slow work of the KPK, ICW accuses President Jokowi and members of the DPR RI that the strengthening efforts are just an illusion because what happened is the opposite. This is because the performance of anti-graft institutions, which are usually fast because they don't need to ask permission from any party, is now being disrupted.

"With these conditions, it can be concluded that the narrative of strengthening that has been uttered by the President and DPR is only an illusion. Because the enactment of the new KPK Law actually makes it difficult for law enforcement to be carried out by the anti-rasuah agency," he said.

Although ICW accused the KPK's performance of slowing down after the new law was implemented, Plt. KPK spokesman Ali Fikri denied this. According to him, currently the KPK enforcement team and the supervisory board are actually strengthening each other.

"In principle, the KPK prosecution team together with the dewas mutually reinforce their respective functions in handling this case," Ali told reporters via text message, Sunday, January 12.

In addition, the anti-graft agency investigating team has also pocketed a search permit so that the search for evidence can be carried out.

"Several permits for search needs have been signed by the adults after a number of administrative requirements have been fulfilled," he said.

Previously, the KPK had appointed General Election Commission (KPU) commissioner Wahyu Setiawan as a suspect in receiving bribes related to the appointment of members of the Indonesian Parliament for the 2019-2024 period. He was appointed as a recipient of bribes, along with Agustiani Tio Fridelina (ATF) who is a former member of the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) who are his confidants.

The givers of bribes were Harun Masiku (HAR) who was a candidate from the PDI-P in the 2019 Pileg and Saeful who was called a private party but was suspected of being one of the party's top staff.

KPU commissioner Wahyu Setiawan who is a bribe suspect (Diah Ayu Wardani / VOI)

This case originally started with the death of a PDIP candidate named Nazarudin Kiemas. At that time, in July 2019, PDIP filed a suit for judicial review of Article 54 of KPU Regulation Number 3 of 2019 concerning Voting and Counting of Votes to the Supreme Court (MA).

"The filing of this material lawsuit is related to the death of an elected candidate from the PDIP on behalf of Nazarudin Kiemas in March 2019," said the deputy chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in a press conference to determine the suspect in the case that ensnared Wahyu at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, Central Jakarta, Thursday, January 9. .

The proposal was then granted and as a determinant of interim replacement (PAW), the party bearing the bull symbol then sent a letter to the KPU to assign Harun to replace Nazarudin.

It's just that, at that time, the KPU actually appointed Riezky Aprilia as a substitute for the brother-in-law of PDI-P Chairman Megawati Sukarnoputri who had died. The reason is clear, Riezky's vote was below Nazarudin or in second place for the Electoral District of South Sumatra I.

Lobbying was then carried out, with the aim that Harun could become a member of the legislature. Seeing this gap, Wahyu Setiawan as a KPU commissioner said he was ready to help as long as there was an operational fund of Rp. 900 million and the transaction was carried out in two stages in the middle and end of December 2019.

In fact, after the 2019 Pileg was conducted and the vote count had been carried out, Harun, who ran for the South Sumatra I electoral district, only received 5,878 votes and was in fifth place. This means, the votes he got were very far compared to Nazarudin Kiemas. At that time, from the results of the 2019 legislative election, Nazarudin received 145,752 votes.

Meanwhile, Riezky Aprilia received 44,402 votes. While the third position was filled by Darmadi Jufri with 26,103 votes, Doddy Julianto Siahaan who received 19,776 votes and Diah Okta Sari with 13,310 votes.