Gibran Agrees With Investment Minister To Make Solo Technopark A Workforce Training Center

SOLO - Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka agreed with the Minister of Investment/Head of the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia to make Solo Technopark (STP) a training center for workers.

"I am happy that the minister brought a lot of gifts, one of which will be Solo Technopark appointed as a training center for factories," said Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka at Road To G20: Investment Forum "Encouraging Acceleration of Sustainable and Inclusive Investment" at the Alila Solo Hotel, reported by Antara, Wednesday, May 18.

Gibran said that so far, STP has been underdeveloped. However, for the past year STP has become one of the busiest technoparks in Indonesia.

"There are many activities, SME training is assisted by Shopee, Bukalapak, there is also gaming training, mining training for nickel, training for MSMEs, especially herbal products from Indofarma," he said.

Through the agreement with the Minister of Investment, it is hoped that the program to accelerate economic recovery in Solo will be successful.

Gibran said that the economic growth in Solo City recently showed significant economic growth.

"Initially (Gibran became Mayor of Surakarta) economic growth in Solo was -1.74 percent, now thanks to the help of the community as well as the chairman of the association, it is above 4 percent. This is the fruit of all of our hard work. Solo is a small city, with a population of only 500,000 "People, whose name is investment is one of the components of development that has many benefits, jobs, business development," he said.

Meanwhile, Bahlil said that in the future the existence of STP will be the most important instrument in developing the workforce.

"Thus, our MSMEs will be able to develop. This is what we want, there is incoming investment and collaboration with the region so that it can become an integrated area," he said.