Dea OnlyFans Pregnancy Confession Doesn't Mean Anything For Pornography Cases

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya confirmed that the confession of Dea Ayu Dewanti alias Dea OnlyFans regarding his condition with two bodies, will not affect the process of handling pornography cases. In fact, the progress of the case has entered the stage of filing which will soon be delegated.

"So it does not affect the investigation process of the case in question even though she is pregnant," said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan to reporters, Wednesday, May 18.

In fact, the confession of Dea who is pregnant will not abort the pornography case or her status as a suspect.

However, said Zulpan, investigators are still considering the reason for deciding not to detain him after being named a suspect.

"But no detention was carried out only for elements of humanitarian considerations," he said.

Meanwhile, for the development of handling pornography cases, Zulpan said investigators were still compiling case files. In the near future the file will be transferred to the Prosecutor's Office.

Then, the next stage, the research prosecutor will check the completeness of the case file. If it is complete, then the investigator is required to carry out stage two or submit the suspect and evidence.

However, if it is the other way around, then the investigator must complete the shortcomings both in terms of formal and material aspects.

"Still equipped, in the near future it will be delegated," said Zulpan.

Dea Onlyfans suddenly made a confession. She stated that she was in two or pregnant.

This condition was conveyed by Dea's attorney, Abdillah Syarifudin when fulfilling the obligation to report pornography cases at the Metro Jaya Police.

"Mba Dea's condition is now pregnant," said Syarifudin.

Dea's pregnancy has entered the age of 23 weeks or about 5 months.

Dea also said that her pregnancy made her psychological condition disturbed. In fact, the suspect in the pornography case admitted to having attempted suicide several times.

"Four times I tried to commit suicide but I was not involved in the law," said Dea.