West Java Provincial Government Provides Aid For Underprivileged Students In Private Schools

BANDUNG - The West Java Provincial Government provides assistance of Rp. 2.7 million per person per year for students from poor families who are studying in private schools.

"We provide financial support to West Java children who study in private schools. This year, the total increases to Rp. 2.7 million for those who study in private schools who come from economically disadvantaged families," said West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil after attending the opening ceremony. acceptance of new students (PPDB) at SMK Negeri 2 Bandung City, reported by Antara, Tuesday, May 17.

The governor said the government was trying to make PPDB 2022 at the high school (SMA) and vocational high school (SMK) levels in West Java run well.

"The PPDB has started, God willing, this year the PPDB is the most technically fair, the most aspirational because bottom up, input from below is accommodated, this is also the most reliable PPDB with a ready digital system," he said.

In West Java, the PPDB quota at the high school level is from the affirmation path of 20 percent, the parental task transfer path of five percent, the achievement path of 25 percent, and the zoning path of 50 percent.

The first stage of PPDB SMA registration is open from 6 to 10 June 2022 and the second stage of PPDB registration specifically for the zoning path is open from 23 to 30 June 2022.

In the Vocational High School level PPDB, the quota for student admissions is from the affirmation path of 20 percent, the parental task transfer path of five percent, the closest priority route of 10 percent, the industrial class preparation path of 35 percent, the achievement path of general report cards of 25 percent, and the championship achievement path of five percent.

Registration for the first stage of PPDB SMK is open from June 6 to 10, 2022 and the second stage of registration for student admissions from the general report card achievement pathway starts from June 23 to 30, 2022.

"Hopefully with a fair, aspirational, reliable PPDB, it will produce students who are advanced and have successful lives in the future," said Ridwan Kamil.

The West Java Provincial Government has deployed the Illegal Charges Clean Sweeping Team (Saber Pungli) in the implementation of the 2022 PPDB.

"The Saber Extortion Team has been prepared to monitor if there are irresponsible efforts to get around the rules that are already very fair," continued Kang Emil.

He also said that the limited number of public schools was not the only option. There are many quality private schools that can be a choice of place to study in the West Java region.

"School does not always have to be in the country because this country has limitations. That is why the future of the nation must be supported by the community, one of which is private schools," said Ridwan Kamil.