Kadin: The Job Creation Law Encourages The Birth Of Millennial New Entrepreneurs

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) for Trade, Benny Soetrisno, said that the Job Creation Law could strengthen trade activities because it could encourage the birth of new entrepreneurs and create jobs.

"If a lot of people work, demand will automatically increase, so that a lot of supply will increase, because production increases. Trade will automatically increase and activity will move," Benny said as quoted by Antara , Thursday, October 15.

According to Benny, trading activities are currently on the decline because the demand from the public is also decreasing due to reduced purchasing power along with reduced income levels.

Therefore, he believes that trading activities will recover because the new regulations that have been approved into the Law will facilitate the birth of business entities, especially for MSMEs or beginner cooperatives.

"So far, entrepreneurs have faced thousands of permits. Millennials must be impatient, have asked for permission," said Benny.

He also ensured that the existence of the Job Creation Law could simplify the overlapping permits which had so far been felt to have disrupted the ease of doing business in Indonesia.

With a number of improvements in regulation and bureaucracy, he hopes that trade activities affected by COVID-19 can come back to life and recover in the short term.

"At least the businessman does not beg (for permission) and can focus on spending. As soon as he talks about spending, trade begins," he said.