Five Polres In Central Java Proposed To Be Type C

BATANG - The Central Java Regional Police have proposed five resort police in their area which is currently still type D to type C to the National Police Headquarters, namely the Cilacap Police, Magelang Police, Pati Police, Batang Polres, and Klaten Police.

The head of the Central Java Regional Police, Inspector General Ahmad Lutfhi, said that the consideration for raising the type of police station was due to regional developments. This is in the context of securing the acceleration of development of national strategic projects that must be balanced with the maintenance of security and public order (harkamtibmas).

"Just as in Batang Regency, there are many national strategic projects that must be balanced with a more conducive Harkamtibmas. Of course, this will increase the potential for the Police," he said in Batang, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, May 17.

The regional police chief said that currently in Batang there are only 12 sector police (polsek) spread over 15 sub-districts, so the regional police are pushing for three sub-districts, namely Pecalungan, Kandeman, and Banyuputih sub-districts to have their own police stations.

"We have closed it so that the sub-polsek becomes a police station. We don't want when (the Batang Polres) goes up to type C, there are still sub-sectors," he said.

When proposing type D police to type C, said the Inspector General of Police. Achmad Lutfhi, his party immediately prepared the facilities and infrastructure as well as personnel.

"So, in that 1 year, we will conduct a study. Why is it necessary to increase the type? Because it is based on regional developments, including in the context of securing national development acceleration," he said. Batang) is still a sub-sector because it will be vulnerable. So, at least everything is under control."

The head of the Batang Polres, AKBP Mochamad Irwan Susanto, said that the policy to increase the type of police was due to the consideration of accelerating facilities and infrastructure with the Batang Regency Government to increase human resources.

The Regional Police Chief, he said, had promised to accelerate this immediately, then communicated with the Central Java Police's General Planning and Budget Bureau and the Police Headquarters Ortala.

"The increase in the number of police and personnel has actually been around for a long time by the Kapolda before this type of increase was made. It's just that because of budget constraints, then the impact of the pandemic has hampered this," he said.