The Karawang Prosecutor's Office Is Still Investigating Allegations Of Corruption At PT Microfinance Institutions

KARAWANG - The District Attorney for Karawang, West Java is still investigating the alleged corruption case at PT Microfinance Institutions (LKM) Karawang.

"PT LKM, we are still investigating. It's still an investigation," said the head of the local District Attorney's Office (Kejari) Martha Parulina Berliana, when contacted in Karawang, reported by Antara, Tuesday, May 17.

He ensured that he would continue to process the handling of cases of alleged corruption at PT LKM, because any legal handling takes a long time.

It takes time to collect evidence and examine witnesses.

Allegations of corruption at PT LKM were handled by the Kejari Karawang after being reported by community groups.

This is related to the board of directors' omission of the loan credit policy to its employees whose limit is quite large. Whereas the existence of PT LKM Karawang aims for the benefit and empowerment of the community.

In addition, there was also manipulation of report data and directors so that PT LKM Karawang received capital participation from the Karawang Regency Government without holding a GMS. Community groups also reported allegations of PT LKM corruption to the local Kejari because of fictitious data that had been disbursed by PT LKM Karawang, so that it became unpaid receivables. collectible and detrimental to the state.

The uncollectible receivables are customers from ASN Pemkab Karawang around Rp. 3.5 billion. In addition, there were bad loans for employees of PT LKM Karawang.

PT LKM Karawang is a company that was formed as a continuation of the Regional Credit Company of the Karawang District.

The shareholders of PT LKM Karawang are the West Java Provincial Government at 38.57 percent and the Karawang Regency Government at 61.43 percent.