The Entry Of 400 Coplo Pills In Tofu Thwarted By Mojokerto Prison Officers

JAKARTA - Mojokerto Penitentiary (Lapas) officials managed to thwart the entry of 400 Koplo pills in lodeh vegetables, which were brought by visitors to one of the prisoners at the Mojokerto prison.

"We found it while searching and examining items sent by visitors to one of the prisoners in the prison," said Head of Security at Mojokerto Prison, Disri, Wulan Agus in a statement received by VOI, Sunday, January 12.

He said the Koplo Pill was found yesterday, Saturday 11 January. At that time, he and his security colleagues checked the belongings of visitors.

"So we found the pills before handing them over to the prisoners concerned. Because this is an implementation of the SOP to prevent the entry of prohibited and dangerous goods into prisons," said Disri.

Coplo pills were found in tofu at the Mojokerto prison. (Photo: Kemenkumham)

Disri Wulan Agus said, the illegal goods were brought by a visitor with the initials N, at 9.30 WIB in the morning. Meanwhile, N did not meet the prisoners in person.

"N only left food to be delivered to our prisoners with the initials KA, prisoners of drug cases. However, N is still recorded in our visiting application. Because indeed that is one of the conditions for a visit, "he said.

So that when the prohibited item was found, the Mojokerto prison team of officers easily found the identity of the visitor carrying the 400 Koplo pills.

"We found the Koplo pill in the processed tofu. Then put it in lodeh vegetables wrapped in plastic bags, "explained Disri.

Coplo pills in the tofu. (Photo: Kemenkumham)

After the Koplo pill was found, the Mojokerto prison security personnel followed up with a room search and reported the incident to the Mojokerto Police.

"We have submitted this case to the Mojokerto Police and submitted the data from the end of the Lodeh Vegetable carrier containing Koplo Pills. Meanwhile, the related prisoners have been investigated by BAP and we put them into register F (register for convicts of violations), "concluded Disri.

Director of Security and Order of the Directorate General of Corrections, Tedjo Herwanto, appreciated the performance of his security forces, which succeeded in blocking the entry of the drug-type Koplo Pills known as double L pills.

"That is part of the challenges facing our security forces. So many modes to enter prohibited items. In particular, drugs into prisons are increasingly varied and developing, "he said.

According to him, now the mode used is to put double L pills into the tofu, which may not have occurred to many people.