Police: Video Of Residents Arresting Bow At Kendari Beach An Old Incident

KENDARI - The Kendari City Resort Police (Polresta), Southeast Sulawesi, delivered a 30-second video that was spread across several WhatsApp groups about residents arresting bowmen in the Kendari Beach area and being judged by the masses, which is an old incident. received in Kendari, Monday, May 16 evening, said that after his staff visited the TKP and traced the truth of the video, it was discovered that the incident occurred in April 2022. "He was quoted as saying by Antara. He revealed that at that time the Kemaraya Police Sector's picket alert received a report from the public that the suspected perpetrator of the burglary on Jalan Ir. H. Alala, Puunggaloba Village, Kendari Barat District. At that time, the Kemaraya Patrol picket 5.0 came to the scene and arrested the suspected perpetrator of finding the bow by the community in the Kendari Bay area or Kendari Beach with the initials AS who had been battered by the masses. Where, at that time, the US agency People in the Kendari Beach area found a bow catapult that was inserted in the left waist, but there was no bow.

"The guard at the Kemaraya Police at that time had secured the US at the Kemaraya Police Detention Center 1x24 hours and had to report, then contacted his parents and waited for the victims of the burglary in Kendari Beach, but so far no one has reported," he said. Video of the beating of a man what the masses did was spread across various social media channels on the evening of Monday, May 16th. In addition, the man who was judged did not wear a shirt, only wore pants. The man who was judged was battered, because he was caught carrying a slingshot with a bow tucked in his waist.