The Indonesian Ambassador Checks To The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia, Ensures That Rizieq Shihab Cannot Return To Indonesia

JAKARTA - When holding an action against the Job Creation Law, the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) announced that Rizieq Shihab could return to Indonesia in the near future. FPI claims that the Saudi Arabian government has revoked Rizieq Shihab's status.

The VOI editorial team then contacted the Indonesian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Agus Maftuh Abegebriel to confirm the statement from FPI. Agus Maftuh said, until now, Rizieq Shihab has not been able to leave Saudi Arabia and return to Indonesia.

"The person concerned (Rizieq Shihab, red ) has not been able to leave Saudi Arabia," Agus said in a short message to VOI , Wednesday, October 14.

Based on the results of the communication between the Indonesian Embassy and the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, until now the name Mohammad Rizieq Shihab (MRS) in the immigration portal system of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is still " blinking red".

"Red blinking " in the immigration system of Saudi Arabia, namely explaining that Rizieq Shihab's visa status has expired ( ta'syirat mutanahiyah ) or what is commonly called an overstayer.

"The name concerned is accompanied by the inscription ta'syirat mutanahiyah and in another column is written" mukhalif "which means violators of the law," said Agus.

In addition, there is information on other forms of violations, namely mutakhallif ziyarah or overstay with a visit visa. There is also a column " ma'lumat al-mukhalif " or data about offenders.

"In the MRS photo column it is written" Surah al-Mukhalif "the photo of the offender. Thus, the red blink that is meant is a signal that the person concerned has not been able to leave Saudi Arabia," said Agus.

It was previously known that the 1310 demonstration masses who rallied in front of the Horse Statue did not only carry the theme of rejecting the Job Creation Law. The Chairperson of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Ahmad Sobri Lubis, also took the moment of this demonstration to insert the latest information about FPI Grand Imam Rizieq Shihab.

From the top of the command car, Ahmad Sobri Lubis said Rizieq Shihab would soon return to Indonesia. This news was greeted with joy by the action participants.

"Announcement from the Holy City of Makkah regarding the return of the High Priest alhabib Muhammad Rizieq Husein Shihab. Alhamdulillah, we have just received important information from the Holy City of Makkah regarding the plan to return Grand Imam Alhabib Rizieq Shihab," said Ahmad Sobri on a command car, Jakarta, Tuesday, 13 October.

According to him, Habib Rizieq will return to Indonesia following the lifting of the ban by the Saudi Arabian government. The lifting of this ban, he said, was without the help of the Indonesian government.

"Today has also been freed from any fines. Today Habib Rizieq Shihab is innocent in Saudi Arabia. Alhamdulillah be grateful," he said.

After receiving this decision, he said, Habib Rizieq was preparing administrators to return to Indonesia. However, he could not confirm the time for Habib Rizieq's return.

"After the ban was lifted and fines removed, currently Grand Imam Habib Muhammad Rizieq bin Husein Shihab is awaiting the administrative process. From purchasing tickets, we have returned to Indonesia. Takbir," said Sobri.