Beware Of The Pedemo Cluster! 10 Demonstrators Reject Job Creation Law 810 Positive For COVID-19
JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya stated that as many as 10 people who protested against the Job Creation Law which was secured on October 8 were positive for COVID-19. They tested positive based on the results of the swab test or swab test.
"Of the 34 reactive, the last 10 are clearly positive (COVID-19) which we have treated," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Wednesday, October 14.
Yusri said that the 10 people had been sent to Pedemangan, North Jakarta to be isolated. There is a special isolation area for people without symptoms (OTG).
"The process will be carried out there later. We will give food vitamin medicine there," he said.
Previously it was reported that Polda Metro Jaya had secured a total of 1,377 people. Nearly 80 percent of them are students.
"Of this number, it is evaluated that 75 to 80 percent are school children. Approximately 900 or 800," he said.
Of the thousands of people who were arrested, there were 5 elementary school (SD) students. They were secured from several areas. However, two of them were from South Jakarta.
"(Of the thousands who were secured) There were even 5 elementary school children who were around 10 years old," said Yusri.