Kominfo Wants To Connect All Health Services In The 2024 Digital Indonesia Roadmap

JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Informatics (Menkominfo) Johnny G Plate said that the provision of internet access is one of the main programs of the 2024 Digital Indonesia Roadmap. Including integrated health service facilities.

"One of the programs included in the (Indonesia Digital) roadmap is increasing access to health services," said the Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny through an online press conference, Wednesday, October 14.

It is hoped that the availability of internet access at health facilities can support public health programs in the long term; both reducing maternal and infant mortality, preventing stunting, supporting the Healthy Indonesia Program with a Family Approach, and improving health services through telemedicine.

"The government hopes that the availability of internet access can support public health programs for the long term, as well as support the government's agenda in the Acceleration of National Digital Transformation," he explained.

Apart from improving internet access at health facilities, there are a number of other things that are priority programs of the Ministry of Communication and Information, especially in the health sector, which are included in the roadmap.

First is the expansion of the reach of digital infrastructure to support health services through telehealth / telemedicine, then the implementation of national digital health registration, including data management and health records.

Furthermore, the development of medical technology hub and ecosystem, application of analytics for disease management (among others to improve diagnostic accuracy), expansion of contact tracing (tracing), and implementation of digitization to encourage a healthier life.

In addition to providing internet access, the Minister of Communication and Information said the government also continues to increase digital literacy and prepare digital talents to support the use of technology in the health sector.

"The Ministry of Communication and Information, the Ministry of Health, and related stakeholders also continue to improve coordination in the provision of applications, platforms and digital content in the health sector," he explained.

He also hopes that with the support of new technology and digital talent, it will be able to accelerate digital transformation and encourage health service innovation.

"Supported by the adoption of new technology and preparation of digital talent, we also have a vision that digital transformation can encourage new creativity and innovation in the health sector," he concluded.