Police Arrest 'Predator' Who Molested 4 Children In Kendari

KENDARI - The Kendari City Resort Police (Polresta), Southeast Sulawesi, arrested a man suspected of being a predator who molested four children in this area.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Kendari Police, AKP Fitrayadi, said the perpetrator with the initials S (31) was arrested by Team Buser 77 on Jalan Martandu, Kambu Village, Kambu District, Kendari, Friday (13/5).

The suspect is suspected of carrying out his barbaric actions against his victims who are still in elementary school and junior high school from 2019 to 2021. The police named the four victims, namely ANS (10), SE (8), NAR (8), and LS (12).

He revealed that the perpetrator who worked as a mechanic was arrested at one of the motorcycle repair shops in the area based on sufficient preliminary evidence for the alleged crime of child molestation.

"During the arrest, the suspect did not resist and was witnessed by other residents during the arrest. The suspect was then taken to the Kendari Police Station for further investigation," he said as quoted by Antara, Friday, May 13.

The perpetrator is alleged to have had intercourse with a minor as referred to in Article 81 and/or Article 81 and/or Article 82 of Law Number 16 of 2017.

The regulation regulates the stipulation of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2016 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection into Law.

"The suspect is threatened with imprisonment for a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 15 years," he said.